Sunday, 1 October 2017

Old Canon 300D file

I've been quite impressed by how nice these can be made with Lightroom and PS + more knowledge.

Unfortunately I didn't always save the RAW files as in those days 20mb are whatever seemed huge and filled the 20gb drive up to fast!

 This lower part of Blakey near Hutton-le-Hole was in a Ford Transit advert early 1980s and has been used on Top Gear.
You can see why, but to make it look like this is slight deception by zoom lens.

I didn't like the 300D with original lens but an inexpensive Sigma 18-200mm transformed it - much sharper.  Unfortunately after 5 years or so unused I found the camera had got fungus on the sensor so practically unusable.
After owning the 5DMkii for a while it felt like a toy but being much lighter is a good thing.

 With hindsight I would manage without the SLR and buy (now) something like Sony RX100 iv.
The 5D is still good but so bulky and heavy even in car it's inconvenient.
My tiny S100 does RAW and is almost as good as the 300D was a lot of the time.
Also it's nice to be able to do decent video preferably 4K.
The 5Dmk2 was more or less the first SLR to be able to do video too, but only 1080p and it can overheat apparently.
The results are nothing special - requiring quite a bit of processing later - and you can only use it more or less static on a tripod, a it won't change focus automatically during recording.

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