Sunday, 16 August 2020

Hunting for heather

 The North York Moors usually have a splendid display of heather from early August until late September but this year it's patchy at best.

It was extremely dry from Mid-March until early June  - which it didn't like - and that also favoured an exceptionally large attack of heather beetle.
There were so many beetles that after laying their eggs in the heather they ended up in the Sea in such large numbers that there was a tide line of them inches deep on the beach back in May.

Anyway the best areas are generally higher up and younger stuff which has been burned in the past decade or so.
Old leggy heather in many areas looks practically dead with only a few purple sprigs.
But curiously here and there small patches look OK.
It's just the effect of great purple expanses is missing.
The past week has been largely foggy and drizzly but that can add a certain something to photos on occasion.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020