Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Rudland Rigg with CRF 250L and Mavic

I had it in mind to make the drone follow alongside for a little way. but somehow forgot how to do it having only used the feature once before with the quad bike!
When out in bright sun it's very hard to see the screen instructions such as they are.
At home later I sussed it out easily.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Silton and Kirkdale

Both of these it was too windy on Sunday to do anything overly ambitious, but light was good.

At Gregorys Minster it seemed calm in the valley but DJI App gave second level wind warnings at 100 feet. (Not to be disregarded)
I also arrived just as a service had started so kept well clear!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

St Oswolds at Lythe

Had to go to Whitby on afternoon of 2nd May and found time for this on the way back.
The sea fog was rolling in on an Easterly wind, but the atmospheric feeling quite suited the location.