Monday, 19 May 2014

Bank Top at Rosedale

It was just that bit too windy all day but was determined to fly the beast away from home.
By sunset it subsided for a while so nipped over the hill to Rosedale Chimney Bank.
On the Live feed it looked way too dark but the downloaded result was not bad at all and rather atmospheric.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Another tour of the field

I have a case  for this now so can more easily take it further away - but haven't yet.
It is curiously scary as soon as it becomes a distant dot which is easily lost if you glance away, even though I can bring it back easily and see on the phone what it is 'looking' at.
The other day I suddenly realised what I thought was the phantom moving in an unplanned way (!) was in fact a seagull...

Friday, 2 May 2014

Start of May

Have to say, the new Vision Plus Phantom is startlingly good.